Narva has been shortlisted for the main competition for the title of European Capital of Culture 2024 by the international expert panel after hearings in Tallinn, Estonia. The panel has published a report with recommendations.
Here some excerpts of the comments:
"Narva presented their bid under the banner of “Narva is next...”. The city has partneredwith the entire region of Virumaa, signing cooperation agreements with 16 municipalities of two counties and a Memorandum of Understanding with Rakvere (ECOC 2011 candidate)."
"The programme is based on three thematic pillars: River – Border – Bridge. The overlapping and contradicting identities created by the city's location at the border of the European Union offer a rich material for arts, in particular social and engaged arts."
"The geopolitical position of the city is the biggest opportunity but also a delicate challenge that needs to be carefully and strategically approached in the future at the programme, outreach and communication levels."
Narva 2024 team will continue working on a comprehensive programme proposal.
The deadline for submission of revised applications is 1 August 2019. The final selection meeting will be held in Tallinn during the last week of August 2019.